15 January, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

So I know I'm a few weeks late with this but can you really make New Year's resolutions when you're about to hop on a cruise full of debauchery that is sure to make you break every resolution you ever made? I think not. So let's make this my mid January resolution post. Whatever, close enough.

My biggest concern for myself in this new year is my health. I haven't exactly been taking very good care of myself lately as is evident by how sick I've been these past few months. I've been fighting a cold/flu on and off for over two months now. It's getting ridiculous. I know I haven't been sleeping very much or very well but since I only have two more days of these stupid 4:30am shifts, I think that should help immensely. My sleep schedule has been so messed up lately that sometimes I wake up and I don't know if it's morning or night. So resolution number one is to get more sleep. Once I get the kinks worked out in my schedule, it really shouldn't be a problem, just a matter of making myself go to bed.

Actually most of my resolutions revolve around maintaining a healthier lifestyle. I know I'm in no way old, but the fastest way to feel old is to continue to abuse my body and wear myself out. I already eat pretty healthy so I'm going to keep that up as well. I also need to get back to taking vitamins because I know my calcium is low since I don't drink milk. Plus it will help boost my immune system and hopefully knock out all these stupid colds. Also once I get my schedule settled, I'm going to start exercising regularly before work. There really is no excuse not to, I work at an amazing facility with just about every kind of exercise resource possible and in the year and a half I have worked here, I have barely utilized any of it.

The last major resolution I have, I pretty much already started before the new year because after I got sick, there wasn't much opportunity anyways. This will come as a surprise to pretty much anyone that has known me for the past six years, but I am pretty much going to stop drinking. Maybe a social drink here and there but other than that, I really don't need to be going out and getting shitfaced every weekend and waking up with a horrible hangover. I guess that's part of growing up? I don't know, but I have saved a ton of money and lost quite a bit of weight actually (not that I was trying to but it definitely happens without all those alcohol calories) in the past couple months and it wasn't difficult to do so I think I'm going to keep it up for awhile at least. Not something you can do on The Rock Boat, but since thats over and done with, might as well try it out for awhile.

I also really want to take a big vacation. A couple weeks somewhere that I can really get into an explore. I'd love to get to Europe so that's first on the list of places to watch flights for. I don't know really, but it sounds glorious and I really want to just hunker down and save money and then get outta here in the fall.

Alright, that's enough of this for now. I have to prep for interviews today. I have never interviewed anyone before so this should be interesting.

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