22 March, 2009

The stars too, they tell of spring returning

Whew. Long day today! My friend Trish is in CA for the week and she came down to San Diego yesterday for a quick visit. Randomly last night, the oh so famous Alex Beh was down here screening a couple of his films, so we headed out for that. Very funny stuff. Good to see Alex too, though I'm still not quite used to him living out here now and seeing him on a much more regular basis. We called it a night early and had planned for a big day at the zoo today, but the weather was less than cooperative and it ended up raining most of the morning. We did a little shopping and some touring San Diego by car, trying to stay dry. Luckily, and amazingly actually, the rain let up in the afternoon and we ended up with blue skies, and a FREEZING wind! The day ended up gorgeous looking, but still not so nice to be outside. We walked through Balboa Park before heading over to Coronado for dinner. Busy, but good day!

It's been a crazy couple weeks, and it's only going to get crazier. How is it almost April already? I need a nap from life.


I just reread this blog and it is so poorly written that it almost hurts to post. Guess I need to get some sleep. Oh well. Perhaps I will edit it later.

14 March, 2009

The haps

It's been a hectic past couple weeks. I've been kinda all over the place and spreading myself way too thin and have therefore gotten pretty gnarly sick. The beginning of the week was pretty awful but I have since rested up a little and am feeling better. I still have a lot of congestion in the back of my throat, which is also still pretty sore, but it's miles better than what it was. I really just need to lay low and rest up but I have had so much going on that it has been difficult to just stop and rest. This next week is hopefully going to be less busy so hopefully I actually will lay low.

I think I'll end this little update with a few quotes that cracked me up recently.

"I was just telling Curtis that I hope we still know you when you are 40 so I can call you Marianne Cougar." -DYaden

"I think muster drills should be required for life. Randomly, the world should all have to report to a muster station." -TGreen

"I think I'm going to puke. Twitter that." -BMiddaugh (and I did)

Good night moon.

04 March, 2009


After four months of Scott Boras being a total shithead that needs to be kicked in the teeth, the Dodgers have finally resigned Manny Ramirez for an obscene amount of money. Every offer they made him was obscene and yet Boras kept rejecting them because he's a piece of shit. Not a fan. Could you tell? At this point, I am more glad that it's over than that he actually signed with the Dodgers. I was tired of being jerked around. It's good to just know.

03 March, 2009

Spring is in the air!

February started out super warm and gorgeous, then we went through a rainy cold spell, and then the month finished out warm and gorgeous again. Now we're in March. When the hell did that happen? It cooled down a little today, but it is still definitely spring time.

I need a vacation again. Just sayin.

It also really needs to be Friday because I need to get paaaaaid. I wanna go shopping.

Saturday I am going up to LA for some fancy pants party with Bridget. I have absolutely no idea what to expect because from what I can tell, it's kind of a big deal? Like, having to do with fashion week? And there is streaming video online? What in the hell? Yeah I have no idea, I just know that it is going to be so much fun because it's with Bridget and that's how we roll.

Alright. I'm gonna watch some TV and hit the hay.