30 January, 2009

Here I go again

I had this whole paragraph written out about how long it has been since I've blogged and a list of excuses and reasons why, and then I decided to delete it all and just dive right into it.

I have had several random and completely unrelated trains of thoughts bouncing around in my head for some time now. Seeing as this is as good place as any to expunge them from my mind, here they are in no specific order (by the way, when I said random, I meant RANDOM).

-I watched an episode of Private Practice a couple weeks ago as it followed Grey's Anatomy. Now, Private Practice is a spin-off of Grey's, so all the characters and storylines exist in both shows, just in different locations. Right? So how can they cast an actress on Private Practice that previously had a role on Grey's? The woman whose husband had the bomb in his chest on Grey's is the same actress as the one that played the mother of the kid with the measles. And it wasn't like Addison wasn't around for the Code Black episode of Grey's, but then the same woman shows up in LA, only she is actually completely different? Stupid casting choice, especially since most people watching Private Practice have also been watching Grey's. I don't know why I am so bothered by this, especially since I don't even watch Private Practice regularly, but it has been swimming around in my head ever since the episode aired and it was time to get it out.

-Megavideo. Why can you only watch 75 mins at a time? And why is the audio out of sync with the picture in half of the videos? This annoys me to no end. Oh well, that's what I get for being too lazy to watch TV when it is actually on.

-The chlorine in the pool has been really intense these past couple days. My eyes are BURNING and my skin has gotten super dry again. I just picked up lessons on Friday so now I am in the pool Mon, Thurs, Fri, and Sat and I really hope I don't get burned out. It's definitely good money and I love being back in the pool and working with kids again. It's just two hours straight of four year olds screaming in my face gets a little tiresome. I do work with some amazing kids though, so I suppose in the end it's all worth it.

-I cannot stop Twittering. Or is it tweeting? Tweeting on Twitter. Either way, I have no idea how I got so addicted to it but I have Twitterberry on my Blackberry and I check/tweet ALL THE TIME. As if I needed another website to get addicted to. Follow me @mklovesdanger and I'll then have yet another person keeping me updated on the random things in life. I originally started a Twitter account back in July so I could get fire updates from The Santa Barbara Independent, and then again in November with the second fire, but didn't really use my account until Christmas time and I found myself with nothing to do.

-I really want to get a DSLR. That is going to be my next big purchase. I love taking pictures and love my trusty/amazing point and shoot Canon, but I'd really like to get more into photography so a DSLR is the next step. Then a photography class.

-I am officially too tired to function, but I can't sleep right now because my roommates are having a jam session in the living room. I don't even mind actually, I like having live music in the house all the time, but every time I close my eyes I start dreaming in Beatles songs (their band choice of the evening) and it's starting to freak me out. Subconcious yellow submarines and walruses? Freaky shit.

-There is officially something playing the saxaphone in my living room. Just FYI.

-Although it should be fairly obvious to anyone that loves Aslyn, I named this blog after a lyric from the new Aslyn song "Wherever the Dandelion Falls". On the Rock Boat, she told the story of how the song came about and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I feel like I have become someone that hasn't been hopeful, dreaming, or believing and it kind of kills me that at age 23, I have gotten so cynical. I think it was somewhat of a wakeup call for me so by including it in this new blog, maybe it will remind me a little more often that life doesn't suck as much as I might think. And yes, I am fully aware of how cheesy and ridiculous it is. My blog. Don't hate.

I think I am done for now. I'm not sure how often I will update, but I think it will be theraputic to at least spill my thoughts out every once in awhile.

Lookie right here, look what I've got in my hand...